WHY TRY MID-POINT SURVEY The Why Try Youth program, leaders, and its facilitators are committed to providing a high- quality resilience building program that helps youth learn the skills needed to cope with adversity and manage conflict. All responses will remain confidential and will be used to further improve the program. We appreciate your participation!Name *Gender *Male FemaleAge *Part I. Answer Yes or No to the following about how you handle conflict with family, friends, and peers?Have your relationships with family, friends, and peers improved? *YesNoHave your responses to conflict with family, friends, and peers improved? *YesNoAre the skills taught in this program helping you with any of the challenges and conflicts you are facing in your personal life? *YesNoHave you used any of the skills you have learned so far to help you deal with conflict or challenges in life? *YesNoIn the program so far, did you learn new ways of communicating your point of view during conflicts yet? *YesNoHave these new techniques helped you with your communication with family, friends, and peers during conflict? *YesNoPart II. Answer the following about changes you have experienced since starting the program regarding how you manage conflict by answering: strongly agree; agree; neutral; disagree; strongly disagree.I have made positive changes in how I handle challenges in life. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI still struggle with how I handle challenges in life. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI have made positive changes in how I handle conflict with peers, friends, and family. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI have not made any changes in how I handle conflict with peers, friends, and family. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI have made positive changes in how I manage my emotions during conflict. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeThere is no change in how I manage my emotions during conflict. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI believe I have more control over my anger during conflict. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeThere is no change in how I manage my anger during conflict. *Selectstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeAre there any current challenges you would like to further discuss? *YesNoIf Yes, please discuss here or leave contact information:Submit